November 2, 2018

June 29, 2018
3-Part Vlog Series on Guardianship: Part II
Our firm is happy to share Part II in a 3-Part Series on Guardianship. In Part II, Firm and Marketing Manager, Kellie Knapp, talks with associate attorney, Bridget Mullins, to ask four more questions about guardianship in the state of New Mexico. The four questions are: 1) Are there alternatives to guardianship? 2) What should someone expect at a guardianshipGuardianships

May 15, 2018
3-Part Vlog Series on Guardianship: Part I
Pregenzer, Baysinger, Wideman & Sale, PC presents a 3-Part Series on Guardianship: Part I. In Part I, Firm and Marketing Manager, Kellie Knapp, sits down with attorney, Bridget Mullins, to ask four basic questions about guardianship in the state of New Mexico. The four questions are: 1) What is guardianship? 2) What is the initial process in getting a guardianship?Guardianships

April 19, 2018
Summary of Senate Bill 19: Guardianship, Conservatorship, and Other Arrangements Act – Part II
This is the second part of a 2-part series about Senate Bill 19 in New Mexico. The second part will discuss the effect of the changes the new provisions of Senate Bill 19 has on the Guardianship and Conservatorship statute for individuals with special needs. Effect of the changes to the G&C statute for individuals with special needs: The changesGuardianships

April 5, 2018
Summary of Senate Bill 19: Guardianship, Conservatorship, and Other Arrangements Act – Part I
This is the first part of a 2-part series about Senate Bill 19 in New Mexico. The first part will discuss the new provisions of Senate Bill 19. Senate Bill 19, sponsored by Senator White, passed and was approved by the Governor, but in a very different form than it began. The initial bill was based on the recently approvedGuardianships

December 12, 2016
Five Truths and One Lie About Guardianship
Guardianship and conservatorship is the process where a court authorizes another to make decisions for someone who is incapacitated; i.e., someone who is partially or completely functionally impaired to the extent that he is unable to manage his/her personal and/or financial affairs. A guardian has authority to make personal decisions for the person who is incapacitated, including medical decisions andGuardianships
January 18, 2016
Q & A About Guardianship and Conservatorship
What is Guardianship? The court approved process of appointing a person or agency to act on behalf of an incapacitated adult who is unable to manage some or all aspects of his or her care. What is Conservatorship? The court approved process of appointing a person or agency to manage the financial affairs of an incapacitated adult who is unableGuardianships
September 22, 2015
Mental Illness and Guardianship – The Discussion Continues
The New Mexico Guardianship Association recently hosted its annual Symposium, offering speakers on topics related to guardianship and conservatorship. The theme of the Symposium this year was mental illness and its impact on guardianship. Speakers talked about the difficulties of finding the balance between protecting individuals with mental illness and allowing them autonomy and independence. The discussion was thought-provoking andGuardianships
November 3, 2014