April 6, 2022
Elder Law

January 24, 2022
What is an Elder Law Attorney and Do I Need One?
Elder law is a practice area defined by the people whose legal needs are served—senior citizens. It is an area of law which grew out of the need for estate planning attorneys to address legal problems facing older clients and their children. Elder law is a remarkably diverse area of practice. It encompasses issues affecting the lives of the “elderly,” a populationElder Law

January 24, 2022
How to Have a Financial Management Conversation with an Elderly Loved One
Guest Blog By SilverBills Having a conversation with an older adult relative about financial matters may be challenging. However, conversations such as these are essential as they provide an opportunity to talk about what a loved one may need help with as he or she ages. Starting these conversations can sometimes be problematic, as the idea of allowing others to helpElder Law

May 11, 2021
The Passage of the Elizabeth Whitefield End-of-Life Options Act
While there are certainly wide-ranging views on this law, there are many who will find peace in having a lawful option for ending their suffering on their own terms.Elder Law

January 21, 2021
How to Spot the Signs of Elder Abuse
Elder care can be challenging for families to navigate. Whether they arrange care at home or decide to move a loved one into a facility, families want to make sure their loved ones are well cared for. Unfortunately, elders’ social isolation, mental impairment (such as in instances when they are facing dementia), and reliance on others for care makes themElder Law

July 13, 2020
A Lesson in Elder Financial Abuse: It Can Happen to Anyone
Larry was 84-years old when he passed away last year. His wife of 62 years died in 2018. His only child, David, lived overseas and he had no other living family. Larry was fiercely independent and was reluctant to ask for assistance with anything despite being an elder. Concerned for his well-being and knowing that he would never consider movingElder Law

May 22, 2020
Webinar: Planning Ahead for Dementia Caregivers
On Tuesday, May 19, 2020, PBWS attorneys Daniel J. Monte and Margaret A. “Peggy” Graham joined the Alzheimer’s Association of New Mexico to present a webinar to their Dementia Caregivers group discussing legal options for caregivers. If you have a loved one who has been diagnosed with dementia or Alzheimer’s or are wanting to ensure you have your documents inElder Law

August 30, 2017
Giving Myself Elder Law Advice
There is a saying that when a lawyer represents themselves they have a fool for a client. Giving myself elder law advice as I navigate the aging process with my elderly parents is proving it. How many times have I sat at a conference room table and given sage advice to adult children of parents with dementia about where theirElder Law

November 16, 2016
Having Difficult Conversations with Your Aging Parents
When Elder Law is a primary focuses of your law practice, you often have clients come to you to discuss their aging parents. They start seeing the signs: the yard is not being cared for the house is in disrepair and is not the neat and tidy home you are used to seeing the refrigerator is full of food thatElder Law
June 7, 2016
Proud to be a Certified Elder Law Attorney
Last week I received an email from the new President of the Board of Directors of the National Elder Law Foundation (NELF). As a Certified Elder Law Attorney (CELA) myself, his words struck a chord with me. As CELAs, we take pride in the fact we are uniquely trained to work with the elderly, their families, and special needs clients.Elder Law
October 19, 2015
Elder Abuse, Financial Exploitation, and Undue Influence
Elder abuse in the form of financial exploitation can be devastating to the victims and their families. It is pervasive throughout New Mexico and the nation. Most of us are familiar with the harm that can be caused by telephone scams or overly friendly neighbors and caregivers, who may persuade older adults to hand over funds or change their wills.Elder Law
March 5, 2015
Scams Targeting Seniors
An elderly man receives a phone call from someone identifying themselves as an employee at the Las Vegas jail. The caller tells the man that his grandson was arrested for DWI and cannot be released without a $1,500 payment. When the man asks for details the caller says that grandson is not allowed to use the phone and the paymentElder Law
November 18, 2010
Continuing Care Retirement Facilities
We all live where we want to, until we can’t anymore. Then, housing becomes a much bigger issue than we ever thought it would be. It is not about which town, or which neighborhood, or split level or ranch. It is about what type of housing will accommodate us as we age, and, to be honest, as we grow moreElder Law
October 4, 2010
Who Is Protecting Seniors?
Ads have been running on TV paid for by the Coalition to Protect Seniors, Inc., which state that people on Medicare should oppose health care reform because it will take away $445 million in Medicare benefits. Our law firm works very hard to protect seniors, and we have studied the Affordable Care Act, and we do not think that itElder Law
September 22, 2010